Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why I Decided To Commit To the Come Back Kids P90X Challenge

What is the Come Back Kids Challenge Group? For those of you who don't know, it's a BeachBody P90X challenge group that starts on November 12th. It's headed up by company President and co-founder Jon Congdon.

I had heard about this challenge a few weeks ago but, immediately knew that I wouldn't be joining in. I'd already decided that I would be doing a round of P90X at the beginning of the new year and I really didn't want  to deal with the extra challenges of trying to do P90X over the holidays.

Then I saw Tony Horton's live chat with Jon Congdon on UStream. The full chat is a little over an hour but Jon's story is featured in a brief video shown in the first few minutes. The short version is that Jon has had a rough year that started with a knee surgery which led to a very serious infection and several more surgeries. He's well on his way down the road to recovery and he's ready to get in great shape (the kind of shape P90X delivers) as he approaches his 50th birthday.

Watching this chat changed my mind about joining the group. First of all, Jon's story is  inspiring. Then he said something that struck a chord with me. He said he was nervous about doing the program.

I know his reasons for being nervous are different than mine but, I can relate to feeling that way. I am always a little nervous heading into a new workout program, especially one that is very intense. When you push your body hard as in a program like P90X I think it's smart to have a healthy dose of respect for what you are doing. You can enjoy the workouts but, part of you always needs to pay attention to how your body is responding and stay focused on good exercise form.

Now, that I was starting to get hooked on the idea I started to think about all the reasons why it really does make sense for me to join this group and start my round of P90X a little early.

  • Even though doing this over the holidays will make things extra challenging it will also reinforce my commitment to eat clean and stay on track with my diet during this typically treacherous time of year. It even helps keep people from bugging you. If someone offers you pie you just say, "Can't, I'm doing P90X". End of discussion. :)
  • Normally when I do P90X I do it solo. I thought it would be a good change to try it with a group. Specifically I wanted to see how it would work with an online group. I'm looking forward to seeing how the group dynamic affects my motivation, whether I find it a good way to get some support when I need it. And maybe I'll be able to offer support to others as well.
  • Starting P90X earlier than planned and with a group means I won't cop out when January rolls around. I won't be on my own trying to muster up the motivation. The workouts I've been doing are very different and much less time consuming. It would be easy to just stick with them instead. But, I know how important variety is in a workout program.
  • A nice bonus to doing P90X is that for three months the whole fitness thing is taken care of. I don't have to think about what to eat or which workout to do. One less thing to worry about over the holidays.
  • Last but not least it sounded like fun. A group of over 1,000 people all doing P90X together on the same schedule, all pushing through the same workouts and working toward similar goals. It's nice to be a part of something, especially when you know it's going to do a lot of good.

If you're thinking about joining the group head over to the Facebook page and check it out. If you haven't gotten your copy of P90X yet, you can get it here and get ready to "Bring It!" on November 12th.

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